Centrally located Café for sale in High Wycombe


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Property Details

This is a well-established concern which enjoys all the considerable commercial advantages of a fantastic trading position among other retail shops in High Wycombe. Operating from well fitted and presented premises, the business formerly offered a full and varied in house menu of classic hot and cold food, snacks, sandwiches, lunches, side orders, pastries and beverages prepared freshly to order in its fully equipped catering facilities and served in the pleasant surroundings of an attractively furnished dining area which may comfortably accommodate up to 25 covers (int)

There is scope for continued growth, not least regarding a degree of menu and product expansion, the possible provision of local delivery and outside catering services and to the possible introduction of Monday/Tuesday trading to exploit year-round local demand. The business would also benefit greatly by adopting a far more vigorous marketing policy of its excellent existing facilities and services, particularly with reference to the introduction of on-line advertising and ordering to improve upon the already reasonable levels of turnover and profitability it has achieved since being established and we would strongly recommend the earliest possible viewing to avoid disappointment.

#The Business has recently closed ( 2 weeks ago ) to unforeseen personal circumstances, hence the low price (open to offers)

Financial Information recent operating turnover in the region of £2000 per week with huge scope to increase.

Lease The premises are being offered with an existing lease of 2 years. Alternatively, a new lease may be negotiated.

Rent The current rent stands at approximately £15000 pa +vat.

Business Rates We are advised that there are no Business Rates

Trading Hours

Wednesday to Sunday  3pm to 8pm

Property Description – one storey Fitted and presented to specifications throughout, these well maintained leasehold premises provide excellent and highly functional internal business accommodation which to the ground floor consists of a single glazed fronted public entrance directly off the main street into a bright and welcoming in-house customer service and waiting area which houses a full range of modern high quality fixed and freestanding display furniture and shelving.

To the rear the business offers a fully fitted and equipped preparation kitchen area with extraction system housing ample work surfaces, storage units, fitted sink unit and a full range of appliances. The main customer service area in turn affords to an attractively furnished and appointed in-house dining area which may comfortably accommodate up to 25 covers, To the exterior, the premises are well signed and presented and afford ample and inviting display window space.

Further due diligence will be discussed at a meeting/viewing as per owner’s request.

Note: Library images may have been used for display purposes

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